Sunday, January 14, 2007

What's new for 2007!!!

Be on the look out for contest and prize giveaways throughout the year. We are also working on creating new portrait wall collections for our contemporary customers who enjoy beautiful wall portraiture of their children. We will also customized our wall collections to fit your families needs!!!

Also Our World Contemporary Children's Photography will be working with a children's boutique and I will soon be looking for child models to advertise for the store. We are also working on getting a fashion show together to launch the opening of the store. Continue to watch this board for latest information about model searches and the launch of the new store.

New services this year.....
Yes after pondering and pondering I have decided to expand my business and cater to the wedding market, BUT on a small scale. I will be offering photography services for bridals and small intimate weddings (less than 100 people).

Modeling Portfolios for Kids/Adults....
Please be aware that modeling portfolio rates range from person to person, it depends on what is needed by your agent. For those parents interested in getting your children into modeling, please submit a snapshot of your child to the agent before spending thousands on a portfolio. Its a waste of money if your child is turned away after spending money on a portfolio. So PLEASE parents, get your children signed first before you pay a photographer for a portfolio.

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